Copywriting For The Greatest Reach & Revenue



Sales Copywriter to Health Heroes, Changemakers, and New York Times Bestselling Authors.


What started out as a love of entrepreneurs and a penchant for the written word has turned into many millions of dollars in profit for my clients along with millions of lives changed.

In 2008, I started writing websites for local businesses on my couch. Back then, I didn’t know a single other copywriter, and I was thirsty to learn everything I could about copywriting and digital marketing.

(I was also performing slam poetry and deep in the local journalism scene, but those are stories for another time.)

A few years later,


I had a tale that needed to come out, so I went for a Masters of Fine Art in Creative Nonfiction. At the time, I had no idea how this creative pursuit would become the backbone of my copywriting business. I wanted to write, and I just assumed it’d be a lifetime of wearing black turtlenecks and allergies for me.

Not the case.


It’s been better than
I could ever have imagined.


I get to help my clients reach more people by writing copy that:

Speaks truth



the controls


Transforms the world into a better place

Turns followers into loyal lifelong customers

 If it’s time to make this revolution of beautiful things happen,


let’s talk.


“When I started working with Gio my business took off.”


Summer Bock


“Gio writes copy that respects people’s intelligence.


“Gio really got into the psyche, deeper desires, and POV of the prospective person at the deeper level. I`t’s not just about writing any copy, it’s about writing copy that will leave people feeling understood.”

Happy client

“Open rate doubled.””


“I will share with you all the amazing comments we have received with this program.

It is honestly the most impactful thing I have ever done. Thank you for your help. I could not be reaching them without your help.”


Dr. Tami Meraglia


Bestselling author, The Hormone Secret